From across the water

The lives and love of a Dutch girl in the UK.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shit (3)

'Hello, this is your doctor's surgery, how may I help you?'
'Hello, I'm calling about the results of a test I had done a while ago.'
'Was this a blood or urine test?'
'Neither, it was a stool sample, actually.'
'Ok, let me check for you. Your name please? And your first name?And your date of birth? Ah yes, the results have come in. One moment please.... It all came back normal.'
'Ok, thank you.'



  • At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Da's balen. Nu weet je nog geen oorzaak voor je maagproblemen.
    Komt er nog een vervolgonderzoek?


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