From across the water

The lives and love of a Dutch girl in the UK.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Shit, quite literally

Back in Holland, I had seen my doctor several times to talk about my horrible heartburn. Nothing in particular could set it off. Sometimes I'd get it after drinking tea, sometimes on an empty stomach, sometimes right before having anything. I could not pinpoint anything I could stay away from and not have heartburn. There had even been times when I nearly choked on acidic stomach juices, not nice! Especially not with my fear, phobia, of being sick.

But he said 'We both know why you have this. You're fat. So you know what you need to do.' Oh thanks so much. He never asked about my eating habbits, if maybe I was under a lot of stress, he never examined me, no, it was my weight and that was it.
Last time, about a month before I left for England, he did give me some medication, and those pills were great! For the first time since I don't know how long I didn't live on Rennies, and I could sleep without being afraid of choking.

Unfortunately, I took my last tablet the first week I was here. And the heartburn was back within days. So it was back to Rennies. I just started my second box of 96. Not good.

So today I went to see my, new, doctor. I was a bit nervous about what she might have to say, but she was very friendly. Asked me about my eating habbits and if anything I have might set this heartburn of. Asked me if the medication I had relieved the pain. Asked me if I had ever been tested and when I told her no, asked me if I perhaps would like to have that done.

A test, that sounded rather scary. She explained that she thought my heartburn might be caused by a bacteria called helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers. (Funny enough I had told my former doctor that I was afraid this might be an ulcer but he laughed that off.) If I would be tested positive for this in my stool sample, I might need a stomach endoscopy... Not something I'm looking forward to!!

So tomorrow, I need to put some of my stool (doesn't that sound lovely? Nothing like the stinking shit it is!) in a little tube and walk all the way to the doctor's with it and have it tested. Results will be in after about a week. Fingers crossed!


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